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Showing 17 posts in Birth Injury.

HIE Awareness Month

Posted In Birth Injury

April is HIE awareness month. For those who do not know, HIE (hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy) is a type of brain injury caused by insufficient blood flow and oxygen to the brain. Deprivation of blood flow and oxygen results in the death of brain cells. HIE often occurs around the time of birth. There are multiple causes of HIE – some of which are predictable and preventable, and occur because of medical malpractice. More ›


Birth Injury FAQs

Posted In Birth Injury

What is a birth injury?

A birth injury is an injury to a mother or baby that occurs before, during, or shortly after childbirth. Serious birth injuries are rare, but when they occur, they can cause devastating effects that may require a lifetime of treatment. If these injuries were due to the medical malpractice of a doctor, nurse midwife, nurse, or any other healthcare provider, the child and/or their family may be able to bring a lawsuit. More ›

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