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Showing 4 posts from March 2019.

What happens to my workers' compensation claim if the company I was working for goes out of business in DE?

An on-the-job injury can temporarily—and sometimes, permanently—put construction workers out of commission. When this happens, workers often rely on workers' compensation benefits to help make ends meet. More ›


What about my car and my property damage?

Your property damage claim can be presented to either your insurance carrier (if you have collision coverage) OR to the insurance carrier of the party responsible for causing the accident. You decide which insurance carrier you prefer to handle your property damage claim. Whichever insurance carrier handles the claim will arrange for an estimate of the damage to your car. Typically, if the estimate of repair is 80% or less than the total value of the car, the repairs will be made. More ›


Who pays my bills/lost wages?

Medical bills and lost wages resulting from your injuries caused by an accident can be significant. When you are involved in a motor vehicle accident while in a Delaware insured car, your medical bills and wage loss are paid by the automobile insurance covering the care you are occupying – regardless of which driver is at fault. This coverage is known as Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage, and is also referred to as no-fault coverage. More ›


What if there is a death from an accident?

When a person loses their life as the result of someone else’s fault, Delaware law allows for the filing of a wrongful death claim. There are two parts of the claim. The first part is called a “survival” action. This type of action allows the decedent’s estate to make a claim for the decedent’s pain and suffering (but only if there was conscious pain and suffering before death), medical bills, lost wages, and funeral expenses.  Damages paid to the estate will flow through to the beneficiaries of the estate. The second part of the claim is brought under Delaware’s Wrongful Death Statute. This statute allows for compensation to certain members of the decedent’s family. More ›

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