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The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 - Perspectives on Business Planning on Thursday, March 22, 2018

News & Media Mentions

March 2, 2018

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 - Perspectives on Business Planning

Presented by Bruce Tigani, Jim Gallagher and Mark Olson of our Tax, Estates & Business Practice, together with members of the regional accounting firm of Gunnip & Company.

The recent passage of the federal TAX CUTS AND JOBS ACT OF 2017 instituted sweeping tax reform across the board. But perhaps its most significant impact will be upon businesses – large and small, alike – now presented with effective planning opportunities that offer true tax savings. Beyond reducing the corporate income tax rate to a flat 21%, the new Tax Act changes the dynamics for income taxation of both closely-held businesses and professional practices, providing alternatives through sound strategic planning to make their operations more tax-efficient than ever.

To examine the new tax law and highlight the planning opportunities now available, Morris James is hosting a series of client seminars. Our next seminar will focus on tax planning for clients with one or more business, professional practice, consulting or real estate entities. We will explore how the Act directly influences key aspects of proactive tax planning and pitches a curve-ball to conventional wisdom, with case studies examining the tax savings impact of appropriate entity selection and an in-depth discussion of the 20% deduction now available for many pass-throughs.

Please register by March 15th, 2018. 

To register online, click here or you may contact Cathy Rossi at 302.888.6886 or

Thursday, March 22, 2018
Wilmington Country Club
4825 Kennett Pike
Wilmington, DE 19807

Registration: 4:30 p.m. 
Presentation 5:00 p.m. followed by Q&A till 6:30 p.m.
Please join us for cocktails and and hors d'oeuvres after Q&A.

Download our Tax Cuts and Jobs Act 2017 Legal Update
The attached newsletter provides a general overview of the topics that are most relevant to planning for business or investment entities, many of which will form the focus of these initial presentations.

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