Efforts to raise awareness about stress in the legal profession have reached law firm leaders. But if the first step is admitting there’s a problem, then there are many subsequent steps, steeper ones at that, before the issue is addressed.
David Gialanella and Lizzy McLellan of American Lawyer Media look at stress levels in the legal profession in a two-part series for the Mid Market Report. The first part examines the causes of stress, and looks for comparisons between Big Law and midsize firms. The second part takes a closer look at the ways firms are addressing the issue.
Managing Partner Keith Donovan shared his thoughts as to the pressures on lawyers at a midsize firm in comparison to Biglaw.
“I think the legal field by its very nature is stressful. I don’t think that’s unique to a midsize firm or small firm or large firm.”
Keith continued -
"What I try to do here is remind our younger lawyers that their job is to professionally develop into excellent attorneys. It’s not their job as a very young lawyer to have a pile of work so they can meet a certain billable hour requirement.”