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Blockchain Technologies, Cryptocurrency Bankruptcies, and Claw-Back Litigation

sound and practical advice

We are adept at navigating complex digital transactions and disputes.


Blockchain technologies present new and complex challenges for debtors, creditors, and their advisors. The technology and laws in this field are still developing and, to a degree, untested. From defending claw-back litigation to regulatory analysis and compliance, the bankruptcy attorneys at Morris James combine decades of bankruptcy experience – litigation and transactional – with cutting-edge knowledge of the latest blockchain technologies and ever-changing regulations.

Since Bitcoin’s inception in 2008, blockchain spurred an industry of complex digital currencies, global crypto exchanges, and related blockchain technologies. Laws and regulations have failed to keep up, leaving certain behaviors unchecked and increased risk exposure in the industry. More recently, 2022 brought with it a seismic shift in the value of cryptocurrencies, the inability of funds and related investment vehicles to withstand volatility, and a stark increase in blockchain-related bankruptcies. Specifically, in late 2022, FTX filed for bankruptcy protection and several other crypto entities followed suit. At the end of 2022, the global cryptocurrency market cap fell to approximately $798 billion.

At Morris James, we are involved in multiple cryptocurrency bankruptcy proceedings, including representing defendants involved in claw-back litigation. We have gained experience in representing these similarly situated clients and have leveraged that experience in each new matter we are involved in. For example, we know the players and lingo and can speak the same proverbial language as prospective and current clients.

Our cryptocurrency experience is not limited, however. We consistently leverage the knowledge and skills of attorneys across our firm in the same cryptocurrency bankruptcy proceedings. Further, we know how important it is to work with debtors, creditors, committees, vendors, lenders, and other stakeholders to achieve global consensus on issues, and can provide cogent representation at every stage of the bankruptcy process. Whether already involved in bankruptcy litigation or proactively assessing your insolvency risk exposure, the bankruptcy attorneys at Morris James are adept at navigating complex digital transactions and disputes. 

If you have been sued in a cryptocurrency bankruptcy proceeding, email us or call us at 302.888.6836 to speak to one of our experienced bankruptcy attorneys.





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