The Morris James strategy for regulatory matters is a four-pronged approach consisting of strategic counseling, crisis management, education, and relationship building. We also draw upon the valuable resources offered to us as the sole Delaware member of State Law Resources, Inc., an international network of independent law firms that help businesses, trade associations, and public policy coalitions navigate the complex and time-consuming process of managing both legal issues and state government relations.
We design, develop, and implement strategies to anticipate and respond to major events affecting clients’ interests. We develop and implement strategies, sometimes working with clients’ existing public relations personnel, to make sure both the voting public and key elected and appointed decision-makers understand our clients’ point of view.
Our attorneys and advisors have first-hand experience with the intricacies of running a Delaware business, as well as the complexities of running a large government agency. The depth and breadth of our experience allow our group to handle virtually any public policy issue affecting our clients, with special knowledge in transportation, land use, housing, utilities and energy, education, healthcare procurement, and taxation. We play an ongoing role in advising the public, government officials, and industry leaders about major policy initiatives and the potential consequences of legislation. We bring clients’ goals to fruition through the enactment, amendment, or opposition to proposed laws and administrative rules.
Kim Hoffman (Email | 302.888.5209)
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